🐝 Working with BeeBeeCrafts to review their online store

I was contacted by the lovely Molly from BeeBeeCrafts.com a few weeks ago, asking if I would be interested in reviewing some of their supplies for my Youtube channel. I was obviously thrilled to be offered an opportunity to try a new store and be given some fabulous free products, and they gave me an… Continue reading 🐝 Working with BeeBeeCrafts to review their online store

Art Therapy and My Print Shop

The past few days I have been really getting back to my roots and spending time with my art journal and paints. As a child I would draw and paint every chance I got but as an adult it was pushed aside for more 'mature' ventures. It's no secret I have been having a tough… Continue reading Art Therapy and My Print Shop

#OCFCreativeChallenge for November!

Good morning all. It's Sunday and a cold, wet, miserable day already even though it is only 8 am. It's Scotland though so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Rain, clouds, cold weather is all part of its charm. Perfect day for soup on the cooker, staying indoors in cosy sweaters and sitting at my… Continue reading #OCFCreativeChallenge for November!

Life Update, Nanowrimo and UV resin video

Morning all. It's a frosty crisp morning for Halloween and I have so much to do today to invite those costumed little kids to my door tonight.I have a front door to decorate to act as a beacon, welcoming the hoardes, a house to spot clean and kids to tend to in terms of school,… Continue reading Life Update, Nanowrimo and UV resin video

Plant Pot Decor Using Arteza Acrylic Paint

I feel like I have been sick for months, but the reality is that I got two bugs back to back and it's probably been around a month that I have been poorly. Feel sorry for me! I went from a nasty sickness bug that had me in bed for 4 days straight, to a… Continue reading Plant Pot Decor Using Arteza Acrylic Paint

Taking a mental break

For the past few weeks my kids have been on summer holiday from school, so what better time to recharge the batteries and take a time out. I sometimes need the mental break to recharge my batteries and produce equally gripping books. So what does an author of gritty romance do to unwind? Well in… Continue reading Taking a mental break