Support For Victims Of Abuse

The Carrero series is based on many forms of abuse. Childhood neglect, sexual, physical, and mental abuse, and touches on very many gritty topics. It touches on domestic violence in the home among other issues.

I am a huge supporter of the following charities and helplines, and wanted to bring together information for those who maybe do not know where to look. I am UK based so this is primarily a UK list of numbers and will be happy to add USA and other regions if you contact me with helpful links.



Tackle Child Abuse  

Department of Education UK

The Children’s Society 

Child sexual exploitation

Child Safe 

ChildSafe works to protect children and youth who are: living and working on the streets, using drugs, affected by HIV, migrants or at risk of unsafe migration, in prison or in conflict with the law, victims of abuse and domestic violence, involved in the sex trade, school drop-outs or unemployed, living in poverty or affected in any other way that prevents them from having their internationally recognized rights as children fulfilled.


Helpline for children

National Domestic Violence Helpline 

Helpline for sufferers of domestic abuse

Narcissistic Abuse Helpline UK

To prevent narcissistic abuse, provide support to those impacted, and create awareness for support and resources.

Support information UK (Jennifer Gilmour’s page of quick links and phone numbers) 

Reaching out for help at any age, a support network to safeguard our most vulnerable.

Victim support

Child abuse can happen in many different ways and can include neglect as well as physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. In many cases, people experience more than one type of abuse.

Domestic abuse  – The UK government’s definition of domestic violence is ‘any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to, psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional.’

NSPCC – past abuse 

Non-recent abuse (also known as historical abuse) is an allegation of neglect, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse made by or on behalf of someone who is now 18 years or over, relating to an incident that took place when the alleged victim was under 18 years old.

Support line 

This section includes information and support for:

Sexual abuse support 

Gives information that may help if you have experienced abuse or are still going through it.

Aurora Foundation 

Aurora exists to relieve the suffering and distress of people abused in childhood. We do this by providing one-to-one counselling/psychotherapy; and also workshops and social activities.

Domestic Violence Help for Men

The confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and male victims of domestic violence across the UK.

They support men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wives or partners (including same-sex partners).

This can range from actual violence or object throwing to mental abuse such as constant bullying or constant insults.

Information on Financial abuse
Financial Literacy

This website provides an outline of what financial abuse is and offers advice from financial advisors.

Younique – I was I am 

The makeup company offers support to victims of abuse, either childhood, domestic or other forms of abuse.

#MakeManyRipples –

 Please do not suffer in silence, even if the abuse has stopped. Some of us can carry the scars from our past long after we think we are free from the torment.

For many, abuse leads to self-medicating which has its own set of issues.

ADT Healthcare

Alcohol & Drug Rehab for Addiction & Self-Destructive Behaviours –

An organisation that provides addiction treatment and healthcare advice for a wide range of different addictions and dependency problems.

Online Bullying

Cyberbullying – is using the internet, email, online games, or any digital technology to threaten, tease, upset, or humiliate someone else. 

Cyber Bullying UK Click Here

Cyber Bullying International Click Here