Thank you for your support

In the last few days following my blog on Bullying in the Book Community I have been inundated with private messages and new followers across all of my social media.
I did nothing that many have not done, and that was speak out when I see something I disagree with. Something harmful to another human.
The huge support I know Sophie has received has been shone my way too and I am so very grateful. It has mended my faith in just how awesome this community really is.
I was removed from a book group where one of the women who originally was part of the thread, admins, and I felt a need to block the people who are still defending their actions. I know my blocking will result in removal from several more now, but I do not really care. I am cutting negative out of my life in every way.
There is currently a ‘clean up’ in progress, back tracking, deleting of threads and such and I think everyone is trying to make it go away. I wish they would just hold their hands up as respected figureheads, say yes we were wrong, and apologise. For me I would maybe claw back a little respect for them, but instead it’s being covered and pushed away as ‘misconstrued.’
You can stop sending me screenshots, all who witnessed it, and the other posts in the other groups and subsequent related posts and comments. I have them in duplicate, due to the army of goodhearted bloggers and writers also appalled, but thank you so very much. I do appreciate that you would back me up in this way.
I won’t post them due to being no better than them posting Sophie’s link in the original thread that started all of this. When you name someone on something negative then many people will take it as a prompt to go battle on behalf of you. I do not want that and neither does Sophie. We have to be responsible for our words and influences and not add to the toxic that sometimes raises it’s head. We are influencers… our words can cause damage. My fan base as an author knows that I am an advocate against abuse in it’s many forms, it’s what I write about in my books.
We have to make better role models in our beautiful community.
I set up the #Ifakeit challenge as a way to positively combat this, rather than name and shame and set about a second attack of those in our book world. If you want to show you are against this behaviour – take the challenge, show your solidarity to the girl who was hurt by this. It’s a fun , supportive way to use your voice and will get no backlash. Tag me if you like –

I am completely fine, unscathed and in no need of anyone sticking up for me. I have been invited into new groups, have new followers and new friends from the posting of my blog. I have made a friend in a lovely girl called Sophie.
The drama will die down, the posts will stop but many of us will not forget who was at the root. So much respect has been lost whether they know it or not. My inbox is brimming on many accounts which assures me, I will not end up in book exile for having compassion for someone else being targeted.
The opposite in fact. My blog post traffic grows by the day, as does my friends lists xxx
Keep being the awesome, supportive community I know you all can be x

PS – If you ever find yourself at the receiving end of internet targeting then there are websites there to help.

Cyber Bullying UK Click Here

Cyber Bullying International Click Here

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