Farewell to Mrs Bloggs

I was very saddened to read Mrs Bloggs Book Blog today and discover she has decided that her decision to step back from blogging is going to be permanent.
In a very final last post she has said goodbye to the world of book blogging – Click here for her blog post.

I am unbelievably heartbroken that this has been a result of the drama from a month back concerning my post Bullying in the blog community.
I first had the honour of meeting her via twitter, both speaking out on the same topic separately and were pointed together by other bloggers who followed us both. Since that moment I would like to say I call her my friend. She is warm, genuine, very compassionate and has very similar ethics to my own. A passionate book lover with amazing reviews. I adore the woman.

So you can imagine the pain that her giving up her long standing passion has given me. She has been a pillar in the community and a helper to so many bloggers and authors alike for a long time and I for one shall miss her posts and reviews.

I thoroughly understand her reasons though, being I too have felt the wave of nasty aimed my way since the posts. I am aware of all of the fallout from my original post, even in private groups as I do have the privilege of being friends with a vast amount in this community who tell me when they see anything. I choose to ignore and rise above it, but I know that is not always possible for some, and poor Mrs Bloggs has just had enough.

As she said herself, it removed her rose tinted glasses, spoiled the love she had for blogging and played havoc with her nerves. She felt the sting of being shunned and decided to walk away for the good of her own mental health.

It’s a sad day and I would really appreciate any who follow my blog, pop over to her post and bid her a proper farewell. Show her the love I know is still in this community and tell her how missed she will be.

It’s a small request but one I know will mean a lot to her. xx

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