Happy Pancake Day UK

Everyone is drumming up those expected pancakes today, so I thought I would share my tried and tested Marshall family favourite pancake recipe. Most folks make the thin crepes, but Scotland loves themselves a scotch pancake. thicker fluffier and a little sweeter. This recipe is one I tweaked when my kids were young and are a proven success every time I make them .

Our tradition is either to drop some choc chips in the batter as we fry and serve with ice cream or to slice some banana and throw them on top with whipped cream and toffee sauce. They also taste great with plain syrup or just butter.


2 eggs
A half cup white sugar
2 tbls oil (we use sunflower)
1 cup of milk (we use whole milk)
2 cups of flour (we use SR)
Optional – 1 tsp vanilla essence


  • Start with your two eggs, add the sugar and whisk until well combined.
  • Add the oil and mix well
  • Add your milk and whisk until very smooth. If you are adding vanilla, add now.
  • Add flour at half a cup to begin with, whisking well to combine. Keep adding until consistency is like double cream when still pour-able. Stop adding flour when it gets to that stage. It should be easy to pour but thick enough to coat a spoon.
  • Throw a little knob of butter on a pan and light at very low heat
  • Pour your batter into the centre, about 3/4 of a cup and swirl your pan around to spread it out. You want a layer of batter about 0.5 in depth.
  • Cook until the under layer browns and the top should have bubbles forming.
  • Flip over and cook for a few seconds on the other side.
  • Serve with your desired topping and eat right away.

Enjoy xxx

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